Roasted Red Peppers~Easier to Cook Whole
July 31, 2005
A few days ago, I happened upon a recipe (thanks, Saveur) for roasted red peppers (which I love) that actually has you put the entire pepper in the oven (400 degrees)--whole. I've never done that's always been the slice, slather in oil and THEN toss in the oven. This way was much simpler. You just put the entire thing in the oven (sans oil) and let it cook for 20 minutes (until soft). Then, turn the oven off and let it steam in there for about an hour. When you take it out, the skin slides right off and it's ready to de-seed, slice and cover in oil--I also toss on a bit of red wine vinegar. Very I'm-wishin'-I-was-in-Italy feelings come on fast and furious upon first bite.