Easy-as-Pie Frittata~
September 28, 2005
Today, I had a delicious frittata for breakfast. Well, it wasn't really a frittata so much as it was a plate full of scrambled eggs, loaded with fresh spinach, chunks of mushrooms, roasted red peppers and smothered in mozzarella cheese. I loved it and forget how simple it is to make this good-anytime-of-day treat. In a nutshell, here's whatcha do:
Whip up some eggs with a bit of whole cream or heavy milk, fresh ground pepper and salt (you can also add a spoonful of cottage cheese which just makes the eggs creamier).
Pour it into a heavily buttered frying pan and toss in fresh basil, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach.
Heat on low heat for about 10 minutes 'til the bottom starts to set and then toss in the oven and bake on 350 for about 15-20 min. til done.
When cooked through, toss on a bit of shredded cheese and broil for a minute or two and then, it's done and done.
Really easy and delish. I'm sure all my timings are completely off, but you get the jist...just watch the eggs if your nervous, for the love of God.