Nichol's Farm: The Most Beautiful Compost Pile You've Ever Seen
A Sweet Little Cottage in Michigan


Dscf2236Goma-ae has to be one of my all time favorite Japanese dishes.  I just love the taste of the hyper fresh spinach, the sweet sesame dressing and the crunch of the little sesame seeds.  I once made this dish (about 8 years ago) and I remember being stunned that the sweetness came from the crushed sesame seeds and just a little bit of sugar...I couldn't believe that the seeds were that sweet and creamy in their own right.  The ingredients were simple; miso, spinach, sesame seeds and sugar and the results were legendary (at least in my own culinary library).  It was literally one of the first times I'd made anything Asian and I was delighted with my end product.  I think I got the recipe from the Moosewood cookbook (those were the days when I lived in LA and I'd hike Runyan Canyon  for an hour, drink smoothies for breakfast and then slam down a huge bowl of chocolate mousse for dinner).  I guess I still have those crazy habits and really, does the sweet tooth ever go away?  I'm sure that's why I love the's the sugar, not the spinach.  Rather, the sugar makes the spinach good.  Let's just face facts, I guess I just love sugar~


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