The South Side--Foodie Wonderland
The Art of Pizza Does the Job

Bought It~~~$300 Bones Is All

Dscf1417Before I left for Spain back in May, I had seen this awesome painting at an art shop near my place in Roscoe Village and had all intentions of  buying it...but of course, I got all swamped with packing and planning that I was never able to make it back.  Well, a few weeks ago, Roscoe Village was having its annual sidewalk sale and the chick who paints these glorious paintings (Beth Pearlman) was there whipping up some new stuff.  What luck!  After a mimosa or two, I had a chat with her about the painting (the one I wanted was gone when I got back from Spain) and she agreed to create on for me... and deliver it.  Yeah!  I was so happy.  This painting reminds me so much of my old sailboat in LA and all the time I've spent neat the ocean...especially trips to Yelapa, Mexico and catching squid with a spear.  That is me on the boat, totally in awe and slightly terrified of course...I just love it.  I wanna redo my whole place based on these terrific colors--
If you dig this artist (she can literally create anything and the paintings are done on glass...I love that she stains the old wood)--you can check out some of her stuff online at


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