Just a Few Things That Are Makin' Me Happy as a Clam Right Now~
April 26, 2007
Well, first and foremost, I need to start this entry by saying that I just bought a 30' sailboat here in Chicago AND I got a star dock at Montrose Harbor (the best place to have a sailboat in Chicago). This is very exciting news and one that makes me STONE-COLD delighted for summer to hurry up and get here. But, there are indeed a slew of other things that are making me happy as can be right now. Here's the short list:
1. Borani Badinjan--You have not tasted eggplant cooked up proper until you partake in this sinfully soft platter of eggplant at the Afghan Restaurant on Devon. Toss it on a pile of rice and it is nothing short of nirvana.
2. Elf Owls--I downloaded the most pleasant ring tone of Elf owls calling from the endangered species list and it now makes me happy when my phone rings--as opposed to making me want to hurl the thing into Lake Michigan
3. The new boat (currently named Free 'n' Easy)--but I think I will rename her Tennessee Gypsy.
4. The fact that my little condo is slammed from the sun on three sides and it's like living in a greenhouse/bird sanctuary right on the lake. I also love the wind chimes tinkling, the tulips poppin' up on the walk to my front door and the fact that I can find parking directly in front of my place.
5. I'm really delighted in all my recycling efforts and the fact that I've created a system that has not overtaken my kitchen and back porch.
6. I am lovin' this pilates class I have been taking. Wish I could go more, for sure...but some is better than nada.
7. Still WORSHIPING the cafe con leche at La Unica on Devon. I have no words for the sensation of that very first, sugary sweet sip that I slurp down every AM.
8. Avocados. Right now, I'm eating them with salt--just all by their lonesome. Sometimes two a day.
9. I am so happy that my little herbs are sprouting. I just slung entire packs of seeds in some dirt in my window and already little buds of cilantro, chives and basil are poppin' up. LOVE THEM.
10. The friggin' boat. I mean, I just gotta get real and comprehend that I live on Lake Michigan. If that is the case, well then...a sailboat is a must. She shall be put in soon, very soon~~~