The Best Little Motel in Tucson- La Siesta
4th World Love Contest Winner to be Announced in a Few Weeks!

The Mission


Ahhhh, The Mission stads for so many things in my world.  My mission, the fate of the world and its mission, the old church down in Tucson, could be any number of things.  Would love to loop ya in on my particular mission, but man, it swirls around like a tornado so fast I can barely keep track of it!!

Some things I do know, starting off this new year.

1.  At some point in the near future, I will sail to very far away lands.  Perhaps even around the world.

2.  Pretty pictures can be taken most anywhere - doesn't have to be in a remote locale.  Which is always been my MO (but...see pics in this post taken in AZ).

3.  Best Dance Party USA songs of 2009 - Tik Tok, Meet Me Halfway, Party in the USA.  Don't argue.  You will not win.

4.  The only way to really, really achieve a damn thing is through proper health.  Pure and simple.

5.  Eating animals is pretty gross.  But, unfortunately, see below.

6.  Sugarfish in Marina del Rey has the best sushi ever.  Ever.  Ever...

7.   I might have to become a vegan.  That would stun us all.

8.  The magazines I must hold onto forever are all my sailing ones, Saveur, Islands, and Nat. Geo Adventure.  The rest can be torn thru and cataloged accordingly.

9.  Mexico and Indo will always be in my blood.  Far as I try to run.  I cannot escape them.

10.  I have already FAILED 50x over sine my last post of no eating out.  But the new year doesn't really start 'til Monday anyhow :)



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