Mexico - How Much Time You Got...
November 06, 2010
Mexico is dope...even if it is just for 72 hours.
My word, where the hell do I even begin. Still been in NJ working on this show, but we did a quick wrap out and I hit up a new spot in Mexico for about 72 hours. Costa Careyes. I was so bloody tired, I barely snapped a shot (and I even got myself a new super-sonic camera). It was all I could do to pull out the iphone and take a quickie.
Not that there wasn't beauty. It was maddeningly lush. So super rich and green and lush. Fly into PV. Drinks cervezas immediately in prep for windy 3 hour car ride south of the city. Stop and have shrimp with butter (my dish of the trip). Load up on more cerveza. Get to hotel and drink silly and sleep and sleep. Wake up to the most insane view (pix later), and a kayaking trip around the cove. Just gotta make it around that big rock! Cut up my toe, got tossed about trying to land on a rocky beach. Had to ride the kayak like a surfboard to get back into the big blue sea. Drank more. Ate til I passed out. Next day - kayaked around the bend to the palapa-covered restaurant that had no power (so they had to close at 7 pm), sans shoes. Rode right up onto shore, plowed through pescado ceviche, shrimp con mantaquilla, coconut shrimp, more beer, tequila, micheladas. Then waltzed right back out to the kayak, hopped in and hit it back around the bend. Laid into a pass-out-style massage, swam in the massive pool, drank a hundred pina coladas and mojitos, attempted to make my way through an 800 page thriller, slugged back tequila shots, spent a little time in a hammock on the front deck of my killer room (with own private plunge pool), gazed at a trillion stars, drank some more. Just a dream trip - all planned in about 2.2 seconds.
Woke up and headed on out. 2 beers on the way. Holla, Mexico. That's kinda how you need to roll down south. I still have a great time even if I am too tired to snap a photo.
PS - Tanner than ever)