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April 2012

The Most Bizarre Weekend Ever = Freedom


From paper scraps to a floating home comes together

Just back from Jersey and it's as if my mind doesn't know how to process that fact that I'm not EVER going back.  Who knew one little TV show would turn into a 3 year run!  As much as I loathed being away from my life and the world I'm pretty fiercly dedicated to protecting and growing - it was a good little stint on the other side of the US.

But, now - in LA - back home in the marina...the sun is shining, the seals are barking, the birds are dive bombing for fish, he farmers markets have their first strawberries, peaches and cherries, my sailboat is gleaming with new varnish and my new electric windlass is about to be installed...and all my magazine tears and dossiers and journals I've put together for the floating home remodel are about to come alive.  I basically took every idea/thought/note I had about the FLO revamp and whittled it down to just a few pages.  What an epic feat.  This blue beast will turn into the floating home of my imagination this summer and I'll actually be around to document it.  Now, what to name it?   Hmmm.....

Ever redone a place?  Good lord, the options are limitless - so many tiny, tiny choices to be made on a daily basis.'s all coming together - I literally had to go old-school movie style and story board out the monster.  It's the only way my mind knew how to attack the breakdown of a vessel (much like the breakdown of a script).  Little by little.  Piece by very particular piece.  Took me all weekend just to whittle down the Exterior elements with exact pictures of what I want.  Now, to get into the INT.  Shouldn't be too hard - just need to make the 100% solid decision and commit to it.

Now that I'm back, I can get myself a little routine - get my groove back and just get some MST style madness on the make.  I did make the best ever (straight from Casa de Mita in Mexico) pureed cauliflower soup last night for those that care :).  Had some super antidoxiant rich Sardinian wine to go with it and enjoyed it with my parents...which is pretty cool cause they now have a boat out here too on the main channel.  We're a wily trifecta happening out here.

Oh such JOY, like thrilling, effervescent, unbridled happiness at being home and not dreading getting on a plane anytime soon.  Life is quite nice at the moment.




Just a test...a simple test.

Just seeing if I can update The Tooth from my iPhone and it shows up proper.

Headed back to NJ today for a week - my final runnnnnnnnn....holla!

Then, I'll be back to my spirited, foodie escapades - to a whole new level).

Remember the adventures - oh, it's all on the horizon once again...dawn of a new era.

Just a test...a simple test.