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March 2013

V is for Very Close Now - a Floating Home Update

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V is for Very Close Now...a FLO update.

The final stages of the Floating Home remodel are happening right now and I finally move in this coming weekend!  I mean, holy moly.What an undertaking! 

I can't wait to show some of the cool stuff that I integrated into the boat (wine hatch that opens to the sea, french doors, soapstone counterop, rooftop day bed, custom pretty much everything, hidden storage, casement windows, reclaimed pickled floors, stair rails made of recycled scrap metal, additional master bath, 1920's French farmhouse dutch door, etc...) - and really just move back onto my own vessel, sleep in my own bed and unpack somewhere.  Just make some good, homemade food for the love.

I'm currently down in Baja - been traipsing this whole peninsula for the past few weeks as the finishers did their final tweaks and I migrate north in a few days.  Internet has been spotty, but there is much to share from this magical land as well.

A billion updates to come about the continuing saga that is FLO and all my upcoming projects.  

But, first - I'll be heading to town soon as my fave little restaurant opens for a hit of French rose and giant pile of grilled shrimp.  MMMM....







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