January 2017 - A Fresh Baja Bound Article

Why Buying a Ranchito in New Mexico Made Sense.


It's funny, I've been looking for a place to hang my hat for most of my life. 

Where is HOME?

I was a military kid, yanked from school to school every single year.  I suppose you could say I came by it honest.  I began a hunt the minute I graduated high school and it wasn't until now...what feels like 1000 years later that I've found a spot that feels like I could stay a spell.

It's a remote area in the Northern New Mexico badlands that has literally stolen my heart.  Just north of Santa Fe, this property we bought backs up against 12,000 acres of BLM land - nothing but a dog and horse paradise for mile and miles.  That was the primary reason for wanting a respite from our floating home in Marina Del Rey.  Which we still have and love...but it cannot compare to a leash free life for our pups.  The joy they have daily running trails, chasing critters, visiting neighbors with horses, racing down dirt roads and just living a life of leisure is not to be trifled with.  Checking the mail is the daily event that usually involves an early cocktail, a racing heart rabbit hunt, and a phenomenal sky.  Just kickin' up dust.

This area is also a pitstop for so many pals driving cross country to various TV and movie shoots they get booked on, so we get to host buds from all over the country all the time.  We even have an old cabin from the 1800's set up as the guest quarters.  Of course, there are plans to expand it into a really luxe little retreat, but all in time.  Country time.

Summer is explosive with blasts of sunshine, rich green grasses, icy cold Rose and simple days examining native plants and flowers.  We've set up a library that blows my mind daily - there are so many books to read and guess what...if we call it a day early, there is no urban guilt to compete with the Joneses...it's just simply...hell yah, I'm opening a bottle of something frosty and tucking into a good book near the fire - inside and outside alike.

The Farmers Market in Santa Fe is a wonderland - one of the best I have ever been to...and year round - and the quality of the restaurants is mind-bending.  Winter is very, very minimal.  It snowed maybe 5 times this past winter and was all melted by the next day.  Al fresco dining is a daily thing, as usually are margaritas...and I feel closer to Mexico than I ever did in LA, even though the Baja border is just a few hours away from LA.  Maybe it's the dirt roads, the endless vistas, the easy pace of the locals...and the plan is to move my sailboat down to Baja and the Sea of Cortez so we have that constant escape as needed. We will now just take a different route to get there, skipping Tijuana all together.

We have a small orchard on our 6 acres.  Apples, plums, pears, nectarines - they all grow with very little effort - maybe cause we have underground water rights that keep this little valley bursting with color almost year round.  Plants pop up out of nowhere and are suddenly 10 feet tall almost overnight.

The neighbors are brilliant.  Poets, scientists, professors, hemp growers...a randy bunch - and smart AF.  All just trying to live a simple country life full of curious days and early, star-filled nights.  And, we can drive to LA in a day if we need to scoot back for work.  Can fly there in 1.5 hours if a meeting is needed.  Easy peasy.

I think I'll stay awhile.  For now, my hunt is over.








Tom Swift

OK - I can't wait to visit now !


Great move! Looks like the countryside around San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Congrats......

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