The Most Bizarre Weekend Ever = Freedom


From paper scraps to a floating home comes together

Just back from Jersey and it's as if my mind doesn't know how to process that fact that I'm not EVER going back.  Who knew one little TV show would turn into a 3 year run!  As much as I loathed being away from my life and the world I'm pretty fiercly dedicated to protecting and growing - it was a good little stint on the other side of the US.

But, now - in LA - back home in the marina...the sun is shining, the seals are barking, the birds are dive bombing for fish, he farmers markets have their first strawberries, peaches and cherries, my sailboat is gleaming with new varnish and my new electric windlass is about to be installed...and all my magazine tears and dossiers and journals I've put together for the floating home remodel are about to come alive.  I basically took every idea/thought/note I had about the FLO revamp and whittled it down to just a few pages.  What an epic feat.  This blue beast will turn into the floating home of my imagination this summer and I'll actually be around to document it.  Now, what to name it?   Hmmm.....

Ever redone a place?  Good lord, the options are limitless - so many tiny, tiny choices to be made on a daily basis.'s all coming together - I literally had to go old-school movie style and story board out the monster.  It's the only way my mind knew how to attack the breakdown of a vessel (much like the breakdown of a script).  Little by little.  Piece by very particular piece.  Took me all weekend just to whittle down the Exterior elements with exact pictures of what I want.  Now, to get into the INT.  Shouldn't be too hard - just need to make the 100% solid decision and commit to it.

Now that I'm back, I can get myself a little routine - get my groove back and just get some MST style madness on the make.  I did make the best ever (straight from Casa de Mita in Mexico) pureed cauliflower soup last night for those that care :).  Had some super antidoxiant rich Sardinian wine to go with it and enjoyed it with my parents...which is pretty cool cause they now have a boat out here too on the main channel.  We're a wily trifecta happening out here.

Oh such JOY, like thrilling, effervescent, unbridled happiness at being home and not dreading getting on a plane anytime soon.  Life is quite nice at the moment.




My Floating Home Remodel

Photo 1

I've been working with my architect for months and now we're just getting into it with the contractors, but in the end, this is pretty similiar to what the FLO BO will look like when I'm done with her.  Little bit darker wood on the exterior (think IPE), able to go into full shutdown when I'm traveling, spots for storing kayaks and such, a little garden and outdoor bar on the top deck (and moving the room up there all the way to the back to optimize the marina view), and lots more glass :)

Can't wait to just get fully into it when I'm back in LA in a month.  Yup - just one more month and New Jersey is done and donnnnneeeeeeeee for me!!!

More pix and intel coming soon on FLO design and process.


All I Really Want is a Dog


Dogs, Apple TV, Magazines, Xmas Beans and Life

Been thinking a whole heck of a lot about dogs lately.  Total consumption.  Maybe because I finally feel at home somewhere.  I haven't had any sort of beast in my life since I first left TN a gazillion years ago - and my mom + dad took over the care of my boy Charlie.  Why now?  Every day, I get all wrapped up on line, searching, digging, rooting thru websites looking for the perfect dog.

Ran into this guy in a dark bar in NYC a few months back and he'd be my perfect dog.  Just chill.  100% at home in a bar.  Everybody's friend.  What about all the travel?  Does the critter come with?  Guess it depends?

I've been nesting the past couple few - short break.  Taking care of lots of little things. My buddy Wade just made a super-sonic donation to 4th World Love, which sealed the deal on getting the Sembalun/Indo CDC a brand new Apple MAC computer.  They are gonna be nutty with joy.  And, with all the volunteers coming over there these days, there will be plenty of teachers.

I've got some Christmas Beans on the stove.  The smell is intoxicating.  I dropped a whole onion in the pot and tomorrow the soup is gonna come out killer.  PERFECTED the most insane veggie sandwich ever last night for my parents  - mega high fiber bread (Squirrely) toasted up on stove with a bit of butter and one side topped with shredded sharp white cheddar, the other side topped with sliced apples and grilled some long slices of smoked veggie sausage.  All of it drizzled with sweet honey mustard from the farmers market.  We were all like what in the sam hell kind of flavor is this.  Worth at least a million.

Been brainstorming 4WL ideas for 2011 (Surf retreat in Baja for sure on the horizon) and finally moved my sailboat into its new slip.  It's always FREAKY as hell getting into a slip the first time cause deep down, you just know that the beast of a boat ain't making it.  Met all the neighbors (couple of whom are taking off on round-the-world jaunts in the near future) and have just been laying low.

OH - back to the dog.  My pal Gina always says I need a Mexican dog.  A puppy is what I need.  A Mexican mutt.  I wanna get back to San Miguel de Allende so soon - and maybe I'll pick one up there.  Remember the joint I volunteered at while Iwas there a few years back?  SPA?  Their doggie page has some cuties.  Maybe I'll swoop me up one right down there and jam her across the border with me.

All I know is 2011 is coming right up...and I've never been more on top of my smile :)

Oh, and btw - for all of those folks who think me and my magazines are just too much...well, that little colorful wall of madness is about to be a FloBo flip unlike no other.  BAM!  Years and years of source material finally being put to use...yes, the inner sanctum has been penetrated.

Ahhh, and one more thing - Wexler, one of my favorite vendors, got me Apple TV for Xmas.  HOLY SHIZ.  Just get it.  Best thing ever.




Navigating the High Seas - A Very Good Skill to Have.


Chart Navigation 101 - last weeks class was absolutely bananas.  So much math goes into chart plotting, I tore out of the Del Rey Yacht Club with my mind reeling and my head justa throbbing.  Ahhhh, but nothing a steaming hot pile of fried rice couldn't fix (I'm telling you, the secret is grapeseed oil).  This weeks class, however, was way more up my alley.  That's cause we did all sorts of hands on exercises.  We figured out how to literally determine where we are on a chart without using any sort of GPS intel.  Nothing electronic.  All just lat/long coordinates and if you do xx and go xx where do you end up and how deep is it?

God, I love this stuff.  Incredibly empowering - especially when I remember - like baby bolts of lightening - "OH YES! I own a sailboat! How could I have forgotten you??"

Thanks USCG!  Oh - and I had to register my boat in LA the other day at the DMV and those fools, those crazy fools.  The batty old loon was like - So....we're gonna need you to bring the boat in here.  I was like - where?  She's like - the DMV.  WTF?  I said - LADY, the boat is 41' long - you mean to tell me I need to pay thousands to haul it out of the water and get a 50' 18-wheeler to bring it over to Culver City so you can make sure it's actually in the state of Cali.  OK - no problem!  That's what the USCG is for - they come verify the vessel, duhhhhhhhh....

Left in a fury.  Then I made shrimp ceviche and all was well in the world again.  

And, for all of you out there that think you might get lonely sailing to remote lands - read this bit that I spotted in the LA Times this week.  You are never, ever alone out there.  And, don't forget to go see "Oceans" on Thursday - it's Earth Day!


Costa Rican Tamales Rule in New Jersey Para Mi.


There's a strip mall tamale place out my way in Cali.  A little too gourmet for me, but good to have nearby when a steamed tamale fix is in great demand.  I've also located a tucked away Oaxacan joint on Santa Monica Blvd. that puts shame to mole smothered tamales anywhere in the state of California.  Yah, I've found a few more, but, the tamales that I crave all the friggin' time come from a sunny Costa Rican restaurant in a small town in NJ (just around the way from where we filmed "Jerseylicious").  

Addictive isn't even the word.  The banana leaves practically steam themselves off.  The actual tamale biscuit is so soft and has an added touch that I rarely see - RICE.  Small strips of peppers add jolts of color.  I pick around the meat inside and instead douse the whole mess in lime and spoon it down, leaving nothing but a pile of pork or chicken in my wake.

Everything the busy kitchen churns out is amazing.  Empenadas, chicken soup, black beans, seasoned rice - the whole lot of it is a guaranteed smile.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess I can't wait to go back...simply for the grub - truly the best Afghan I've ever had, not to mention the most insane veggie Italian sandwich in the world.  Who knew NJ was loaded with such glorious food finds? 

Man.   I thought I was done for a spell.   Guess my sake fascination is taking point again soon.  Real soon.






How to Mastermind an Adventure that Makes the Masses Jealous


Here's my latest musing from my fave site ever, Matador.

There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not contemplating escape.

The very idea of leaving everything I know behind literally rules my every waking moment.

Some would say, “Escape from what, Misty?”

In their eyes, I have built a pretty dang brilliant life for myself – the bad-ass pirate style sailboat in Marina del Rey; I’ve pimped out a vintage 14’ solar travel trailer and keep it down in the majestic mountains of Central Mexico; there’s the working about a half-year on TV shows around the world and the rest of my year spent schemin’ and dreamin’ in remote third world countries; oh yeah, and the grassroots NGO I started over in Indonesia is a doozie of a dream as well.

Thing is, I’ve now accomplished all these things and they just aren’t enough to satiate my constant need for the ultimate high – the one that comes from doing outlandish shit most people just daydream about. There’s more out there to be explored, my mind roars during all waking (and sleeping) hours. What am I doing here in this lovely moment, when there are trillions more of them just waiting to be realized? It’s a twisted fate, this audacious life I lead.

“How do I possibly outdo the last venture?”

Which brings me to the current situation and the question that surrounds it: how do I possibly outdo the last venture? It’s not that I need to prove anything – I just need to be constantly on the make. In order to get through the hectic days of reality TV production, I need to be thinking to the future.

For some reason, I need to roll into a scenario and have the ability to make it bigger. And, by bigger I mean – my life has to take a turn from it. And, so do the lives of those in that immediate sphere. My approach to crafting the perfect tale is all about how it streams on down the line. That said, a real adventure is all about attitude and when I go in with no intent whatsoever, the cards fall as they may…usually to my advantage.

I discover a small boutique hotel on an island off the coast of Mexico and BAM! Why not create a Pilates/volunteering/cooking retreat around it?

I hear about the chance to crew on a sailboat down in the Caribbean and BAM! Within days, I’ve torn down to Dominica via coulda-been-a-movie-drama in Puerto Rico to spend days island-hopping and sleeping under the stars. I write about it on The Tooth (my RTW dispatches blog) and before long a writer from the NY Times is reaching out for deets so he can feature the journey on the cover of the travel section.

I devise a plan to volunteer in a small village in Indonesia and BAM! I’ve created a bona-fide NGO that brings incredible volunteers from all over the world to this tiny haven at the base of a volcano on the island of Lombok. One things begets another begets another.

My “simple” global escapades (usually hatched over a beer in a hole-in-the-wall restaurant) turn into things much more than just a trip – they become yarns that bring everyone with like minds one speck closer to figuring life out. It’s as if I’m out there exploring so I can be more than just on the cusp of the true realization of what it is I’m meant to be. Plus, I never met a map I didn’t like…and if the urge hits, consider it booked. No questions asked – and, probably leaving within 48 hours.

I pull off these radical efforts with boatloads of frequent flyer miles, small pockets of change tucked away in interest bearing savings accounts, and a seasoned set of bloodshot eyes gazing at the computer (searching for deals) at all hours. The off-grid places I trek to make it easy to live cheap, drink and eat like a king and immerse myself in the lifestyle of those who have really embraced the secret to a life fully lived.

Laughing til you cry, trying new things all the time, treating every single human being as you’d want your grandmother to be treated, and the understanding that cash money isn’t for $400 boots you’ll never talk about with a light in your eye – it’s for getting your spirit out into the world and making your mark any way you can.

If you want it bad enough, and live and die by it, let’s just say – careful what you wish for, it might come quicker than you think. My motto is: Normal is for the next life, why not make the ordinary suffer now….

Author note: This article was penned whilst quaffing icy-cold Dos Equis in a small Mexican joint in Santa Monica, Cali. – all while crafting my next big idea, of course. And, I just made up that motto, but it’s quite fitting, si?

There Once Was a Village Named Yelapa


Years ago, while perusing one of my fave travel mags, I read about a small fishing village on the West coast of Mexico called Yelapa - a place you could only get to by boat.  Then, in some weird twist of fate - I decided I should star in a foodie adventure TV show.  The two things miraculously merged together and somehow that said pet project got sold to The Travel Channel.  Holy shit at the time - now, just another feather in the cap of life. 

I went back to Yelapa a few months back with 2 buds who were involved in the first show - then called "Stuffed."  We ended up not being able to use that title cause there were so many porns out there with the same name...but it was truly the perfect title.  The show on Travel ended up being called "Craving Adventure" and I still do just that EVERY SINGLE DAY.  When we were back in Yelapa for a little reunion, the magic had waned a bit in the moment, but now, looking back to early summer - I realize it was all about most things are. 

When I was there years ago, I was a different person.  A little girl almost.  Now, I'm a full blown woman (huh?) with a crazy life full of making all my dreams come true.  Sure, I twist them and turn them on a dime to fit my goofy whims, but they're still knocking around just like always.  Boats, water, movies, TV shows, writing, escape, travel - same stuff/different twist.

I love, love the photo of J9 and Lis walking down the beach, the same sandy stretch we traipsed for the show.  But J9 was wielding a DV camera and Lis was hauling an AC kit chock full of releases, batteries, bottled water, shams, and tape stock.  Way different than now, but same fresh feeling nonetheless - like we're making good time toward the future of SOMETHING.

I'm just on the cusp of making another show similar to that one, not starring me though.  Thank god - what intensity that was!  Deets will be forthcoming, but just remember - timing is everything in this wild world.  Listen to it. And, do you very best to make sure you are ready when it comes a knockin...



How to Rehab an Old Sailboat - At Least My Take on it All


Here's one more goodie I penned for Matador; seems I'm all about B-T-S lately...the link is here.

How to Rehab an Old Sailboat

You’ve bought a sailboat. It makes your heart flutter and sets you dreaming about escape.

None of these things matter if you don’t understand the inner workings of your vessel and exactly what you plan on doing with it.

I’ve gone down that road three times now, going from 25’ to 30’ to 36′. If you’re thinking about making the same decision, learn from the lessons I’ve picked up while on my own personal quest for freedom.

‘On the hard’

Most likely, the boat you buy will be “on the hard”, which is sailing lingo for “perched in a dusty corner of a boatyard”. Your job is to bring it back to life.

The first thing you need to do is give it a good bottom paint job. This goes double if you’ll be sailing in saltwater: there are all manner of sea creatures waiting to cling to the bottom of your new toy and eat away at the fiberglass.


Check all your thru-hulls (various holes in the hull designed to bring in and flush out water) and seacocks (small handles that open and close said holes). Make sure that the fittings are secure: there’s nothing more horrific than a hose popping off and flooding the engine room.

After stepping the mast and giving the engine a tune-up, oil change, and systems flush, you’re pretty much ready to put your boat in a slip and form a plan of attack.

LESSON LEARNED: I stayed in the yard way too long because I was intimidated to put my boat in the big Pacific Ocean. But I also met and bonded with a cast of salty characters who have proven indispensable to my current foray into boating mechanics.

Take inventory of the madness on board

The first step in developing your soon to be encyclopedic knowledge about your boat is to rip it to shreds. And I mean really tear it to pieces.

Don’t just look in the lockers – get in there and pull out everything you see . Cupboards and hatches hold incredible amounts of tools, manuals, old parts, lines, cleaning supplies, and electronic equipment.


You have to research what you have, ditch what you don’t need, and come to know the rest of the gear you’ve been blessed to inherit.

After you’ve pulled out your boat’s innards, organize your items and create a master list with photos. That way, when you are freaking out and needing a zip tie, you’ll know exactly where the rascal is stowed.

LESSON LEARNED: I spent hundreds of dollars and uncountable hours at the store buying stuff already buried somewhere on my boat. If I’d inventoried it to start, I’d have been one step ahead.

Systems Management 101

Everything on your boat connects in some small way, and there is a correct way to assess and interpret this blueprint. It is most definitely not by killing a 6-pack and gazing at the stars from the cockpit.


Trace electric lines and figure out what your battery bank is connected to. Rap on tanks and see what corrosion they might have. Check all your hoses and clamps. Read your manuals. Simply put, fiddle with shit.

Once you become good pals with the wildness that lays just out of sight, things become clear. Suddenly, all that mechanic mumbo-jumbo ain’t so bewildering.

LESSON LEARNED: Getting a proper survey is crucial, not only for insurance purposes, but for learning about your boat.

I was tossed 32 pages of cryptic chaos and hundreds of photos after my master surveyor departed. This incredibly detailed document has been invaluable in learning about my craft as well as figuring out what I need to do to bring it around to its prime.

Plan ahead

Be realistic about your future jaunts. Are you sailing around the world? Are you island-hopping in the Caribbean? Are you day sailing in the Great Lakes?

Each of these adventures requires a different schematic and breakdown. If you are tied to shore power in a nice slip in Chicago, you don’t necessarily need a bunch of solar panels, wind generators, and autopilots.


But if you are going on the escapade of a lifetime and hitting the high seas, you absolutely want all of the above, and then some.

You may think you want to take off into the unknown, but get a little practice on the home turf first. Do a night passage. Hell, spend a few nights on the boat – they definitely aren’t spacious, and sometimes not even comfortable.

Imagine downsizing your life in a severe way. Can you do without the giant flat screen and handy washing machine? Can you handle squalls that make you want to piss your pants? All these things have to be considered. Take it one step at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

LESSON LEARNED: The very first thing I did the moment I bought my boat was purchase a watermaker. I’m currently hooked to shore power and have a nice hose that fills my tanks. When I sail around the world in a few years, my Power Survivor will probably be discontinued. I could have used that 3k for a myriad of other upgrades. Point being, prioritize.

Get to know your local ship store

The chaps at the ship store are a bunch of grizzly think-tanks. They have knowledge about boats that would blow your mind, the sorts of nuggets that only come from years of experience on the water.


They’ll rattle on about hose sizes and sail plans until you’re panicking. Sometimes you’ll leave thinking “will I ever know anything at all?”

Most times, though, you’ll leave thinking, “God, I love free information.” Pick brains, scour bookshelves, park yourself in unfamiliar aisles, and study the backs of random boxes.

This, my friends, is how you learn.

LESSON LEARNED: Don’t be afraid to ask advice. Just take it all with a grain of salt. Everyone claims they have the best diver, the best rigger, and the best mechanic. You just have to meet these people yourself.

Bookmark these useful sites:

My Latest Burst of Intel: 7 Common Challenges You Encounter After You Launch Your NGO…


Here's the latest article I penned for Matador, pretty useful stuff if you're into knowing a little more behind the scenes stuff from NGO'dom. The real-deal link is here.

7 Common Challenges You Encounter After You Launch Your NGO

Starting the NGO is the easy part. But the aftermath? Now, that’s the thing that keeps you up at night.

I recently started an NGO, 4th World Love, that focuses on community development in distant lands and I’ve learned a few lessons on the front lines of grassroots NGO’dom.

Here are a few bullet points to consider after you’ve already got your cause, your website, and your plan.

Start by remembering this one – don’t forget to laugh - because in the end, if there is no laughing-til-you-cry, it’s just not worth it.

1. Communication Is Primo.

Once you’ve got your organization’s base set up, there will come a time when you must get back home to raise money, make money, and ponder new ideas. Once you’re gone, things can quickly go downhill unless you set up a chain of command, with loads of communication.

We appointed a local Field Director and Field Coordinator before we left with very specific instructions (we need a cash flow report once a month, make sure the volunteers sign this waiver before they start the program, always text back confirmation when you get information).

Things like this keep the program from bursting at the seams. It’s hard when the village has no internet, but with texting at the fingertips of most third world’ers, we’ve had no problem staying in touch… even though there are multiple black outs per day.

REMEMBER: You have to set the parameters in order for them to be followed. Period.

2. And, Then There’s The Exact Opposite – Miscommunication.

Everyone from the village becomes a friend; therefore, they want to text and e-mail all the time. This is fantastic because updates and passing information along is crucial to NGO success. What isn’t great is when everyone starts ignoring the chain of command and breaks free of the system to share their trivial issues.

Better to set up a precise method of relaying information before you leave. Better yet, create a job description document so everyone knows who is responsible for sharing what. You wanna tell me that a baby who had cleft palate surgery is doing well– that rocks. But, if you wanna tell me all about the late petty cash report… well, that gets the smack-down.

REMEMBER: Set up proper channels and make sure your appointed directors are clear with everyone involved about the rules and their specifics. If you don’t, expect chaos.


3. Fundraising – The Ultimate Challenge.

This little diddy is the hardest part of NGO’dom. Where do funds come from? You can’t expect people to keep giving cash, especially in an economy like this.

Therefore, one must get incredibly creative.

We came up with an idea for a contest – Donate $100 to win a free trip to Indonesia was the one we ran last year; this year we’re doing the same thing, but in Baja. People really respond to this idea because there’s a chance for them to win something crazy-cool…not just donate a bit of cash.

But just because they did it once doesn’t mean they’ll do it twice.

“In the end, if there is no laughing-til-you-cry, it’s just not worth it.”

Again, thinking cap goes on. We started producing Pilates/volunteering retreats in Mexico where all profits go to fund 4WL – and the cost of the trip is a write-off. Pretty brilliant.

We also scour local villages for things we can sell (handmade scarves, cool bamboo bags and boxes, and organic soap). But we’re gonna have to amp it up a level and get more than just individual sales – we’ll have to go gangbusters, and try to sell mass quantities from the samples we currently have. Get the order and then worry about getting them made. All profits fund local projects.

REMEMBER: Most people who say they will donate DO NOT. It’s the random folks who really kick in the dinero. Bless them all.

4. Bring in Volunteers…or Not?

The intrepid souls who traipse the world working for free are the backbone of any NGO. They storm in with good ideas, piles of energy, and the will to get things done.

However, they can be a full time job for those running things back on the home front.

Dozens of e-mails have to be answered from online volunteer shout-outs, money has to be wired, transportation has to be coordinated, home stays have to be arranged, and thousands of questions have to be answered. The key is to develop a system for managing it all.


Let’s say someone e-mails, curious about 4WL. Instead of getting really detailed at the top, I just send them a Volunteer 101 sheet, an article I wrote about the village, a volunteer form for them to fill out, and the permanent volunteer schedule.

If they plow through all that information, as well as the highly detailed website, and then blast back specific questions, then I know they are legit and might actually make the trek to Indonesia. If they just ask evasive generic questions and haven’t taken the time to really get deep with our materials, then they aren’t worth the effort.

They probably just sent out a blanket email to 50 orgs and still have no idea what they want to do. I’m not saying don’t be nice, I’m just saying read between the lines.

REMEMBER: Hold their hand, but only if they hold yours back.

5. Establish Your NGO’s EXACT Cause.

Folks ask all the time, “What is your cause, exactly?” Until my last scouting excursion, I wasn’t able to pinpoint it. But, now I can - we focus on community development. Pure and simple.

Whether it’s through organic farming initiatives, carpentry workshops, cleft palate surgeries, English lessons, a new t-shirt business, opening a small café, or teaching photography and video skills – it doesn’t matter. We do it if the village requests it.

I can’t imagine rolling into a township and hearing all of the various ideas and dreams and then shutting someone down ’cause we just do “healthcare” or “AIDS prevention.” Though both noble causes, we’re about more than one thing. And, getting to that determination took some hard digging on the soul front. Even though we lived it, wrote it, and hatched the very idea, crafting the exact statement that surrounds the sentiment took some time.

REMEMBER: Think hard about your cause before you start promoting, because you will be fronted and you most definitely need an answer. A good, telling, inspiring one.

6. Boil Down New Ideas.

Phase 1 is complete. Now it’s time to take it all to the next level and take stock in your recent progress. What is the next level, especially since everything is running so well? Maybe you want to expand your efforts into another village; perhaps you need more volunteers and on-site facilitators; you might even want to start another fund raising scheme.

“That’s what it’s all about – making a difference in the world and feeling really, really good about it.”

At this point, it’s time to take it all to paper because a wing and a prayer might have worked for the first round of goodness, but now, things bear a little more investigating. We just put together our first 4WL newsletter and it was incredible to have all our happenings laid out in one super-fly PDF. Not only did it help all our supporters get the inside tip to all that were doing, it helped us hone in on where we’re headed in the near future…and what might be missing in the right now.

Bottom line, you must share the intel. Take loads of pictures when you are on site. Follow up with volunteers and get them to send you testimonials that you can post on your website and share. Plot, plan, scheme, dream, share– it’s the only way to ratchet up the vibe you’re trying to create.

REMEMBER: Make people proud to be a part of your organization and they will go to war for you…as you would for them.

7. Don’t Forget About Personal Sanity.

All of this work is draining and can be heavy on the soul. Am I doing enough? Where do I get new ideas? Will I ever be able to pull it all off? All these questions keep me and my partner-in-crime awake at night, but the more balance we try to create in our own personal lives, the better off we are.

If I work out every day, my energy soars and I’m off-the-charts productive. If I go out til the wee hours drinking and do a midnight slam down of pizza with ranch dressing, well the next AM ain’t so great.

Finding my own personal level of balance is crucial in making all these great things happen.

You also have to have a level of self-promotion that would make most cringe. I’m certain people get sick to death of my weekly e-mails about new far-flung contests, retreats, and excursions. But, you never know, I might just hit them at the moment they are fed up with their own existence and are looking to make a change.

Be it within you, your network, your village, or your organization’s plans for the future, that’s what it’s all about – making a difference in the world and feeling really, really good about it.

REMEMBER: To a person who makes $20 bones a month, every single penny counts, and if you put your energy in the right place, in the most positive spot, then you will reap rewards like no other. Might not be a penny, but it will shine like one.

Misty Made the 30-Day Mark!


Remember how I said I was gonna stay put in one place for 30-days?  Well I did do it, thank you very much.  Down to the exact 30-day moment.  Then I went to Baja and now I'm taking off on a bigger excursion - sailing in the Carib.

Basically, I'm gonna spend the next few weeks on another couples 75' schooner island hopping down in the Caribbean.  They have their own diving gear and compressor, which is incredible + since I will be crewing, it will make for a massive learning experience.  Which I always need.  I forget things the moment I learn them and I'm hoping that a 2-week immersion into full boat life will sear some things into my forgetful skull.

Plus, I just need a break.  This summer has been hectic - hard to believe, but it really has.  And, when I take on projects, I get madly obsessed, so I just need to release my brain a moment and let it flow and then I can start to really define what I want to do with the next 50 years of my life.  It's just that simple.

Meanwhile, 50 years?  Try, what's for dinner?  Escapades like this really are balm for the soul, though.  You gotta challenge yourself or ya ain't moving up/down/sideways.  And as we all know, stability isn't a word that eases my mind.  Mobility on the other hand is nice.  Constantly searching for a way to mish-mash the two is golden...